Phone Accessories That Can Make Travel Better… Or Worse

When preparing for travel, the tech you choose to carry abroad could make or break your trip. Accessories that are lightweight and compact may seem ideal for travel, promising ease and convenience. Yet, as we eagerly pack more of such items, we inadvertently contribute to the weight and bulkiness of our luggage (not to mention the strain on our wallets sometimes).

In another article, we explored leaving behind a dozen items from our packing list. Among travelers, it became apparent that the line between necessity and excess is subjective.

From the minimalist to the overpacker, each traveler has a different idea of what’s ‘essential’, and ultimately what constitutes a good carry-on packing strategy. Even those who share a like-minded mindset of traveling light might come up with vastly different sets of comfort items, tech tools, toiletries, or self-care products to take abroad.

Amidst this diversity, one item remains a constant: the smartphone. It’s arguably every traveler’s necessity. 

Beyond the smartphone itself, the chosen accessories that accompany it could be of great use and significance.

The art of travel packing involves shedding light on the essentials and the indulgences that may weigh us down. Therefore, let’s explore which accessories for the smartphone would truly enhance the travel experience and which may merely add unnecessary luxury or inconvenience.

Phone Accessories that Make Travel Better

While smartphones are indispensable tools for navigation, entertainment, and productivity during trips, it’s the accessories that truly unlock their full potential. Whether it’s ensuring uninterrupted power, immersing yourself in audio bliss, or safeguarding the device, these accessories are invaluable:

Power Bank/Portable Charger

A reliable power bank is essential for travelers. Opt for one with a capacity of at least 10,000mAh, as it typically can recharge a smartphone up to three times. By providing enough power, it ensures you stay connected throughout your trip.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Noisy environments like airports and cafes can be made much more comfortable with noise-cancelling headphones. A good pair does not merely block out noise but also enhances audio quality, so you are essentially getting a set of headphones with multi-functionality. Enjoy your favorite music or podcasts without disturbance.

Protective Case

A sturdy protective case safeguards your phone from accidental drops and bumps during travel, which are common occurrences. Look for cases with shock-absorbent materials that are not too bulky.

Travel Adapter

A travel adapter is necessary to ensure your phone charger can plug into different types of outlets, no matter where you are traveling internationally. Look for compact adapters with multiple plug options.

USB Data Cable

A USB cable that connects your laptop and phone can be a lifesaver for transferring data or charging on the go.

Each of these items potentially enhances travel experiences by mitigating potential worst-case scenarios. They mitigate common travel problems, such as a dead phone battery when charging access is unavailable, a broken phone caused by accidental bumps or drops, or noisy environments without spaces for auditory respite.

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Phone Accessories that Make Travel Worse

While the right accessories can significantly enhance your travel experience, the wrong ones have the potential to inconvenience you or even ruin your trip to some extent.

From unreliable power sources to cumbersome gadgets, certain items have the potential to disrupt your travels and dampen your spirits.

Let’s avoid such pitfalls that could detract from our travel experience:

Low-Quality Power Banks or Battery Packs

Cheap portable chargers may cause a problem due to unreliability or failure to meet your needs. Some have limited capacity, providing only one or two full charges.

Some power banks or battery packs work with certain phone models but are incompatible with a broader range of tech devices.

With such portable chargers, you can charge your phone but perhaps not other essential travel tech you carry – such as your Bluetooth earbuds or tablet.

For instance, the MagSafe Battery Pack is designed exclusively for iPhone 12 models and above, limiting its compatibility compared to traditional power banks that can charge a wide range of devices. If you use other non-Apple gadgets, you might need to find a second different charging solution that increases the weight of your travel backpack.

Tip: If you need to charge multiple devices simultaneously or share power with friends or family while traveling, a standard power bank with multiple ports may be more practical.

Unreliable Bluetooth Headphones

Bluetooth earbuds, typically the cheaper ones, could come with tech limitations. 

If they suffer from poor connectivity or short battery life, they can be frustrating to rely on, especially during long flights or train rides. 

If you’re unsure about which Bluetooth headphones/earbuds to invest in, I’d suggest sticking to reputable brands known for stable connections and long-lasting battery performance.

Tip: Reliable Bluetooth headphones, especially noise-canceling ones, are great as they work in all travel scenarios. On the flip side, an item to eliminate is Bluetooth speakers. They are suitable in limited travel settings like your hotel room but totally impractical in other settings like an airplane, cafe, or on the move.

Flimsy or Bulky Phone Stands or Mounts

A phone stand may be handy for watching videos or video chatting without having to hold your phone. Yet, their design may not be ideal for a travel accessory.

Poorly designed phone stands may be prone to breakage. Others function well but add weight to your backpack.

They could be considered a luxury item that might be best left out of your travel gear. After all, when exploring your destination, you’re likely to be immersed in the experiences around you rather than glued to a screen!

Selfie Sticks/Tripods

Selfie sticks or tripods are good companions for travelers who want to document their adventures without relying on friends or strangers. Yet for most people, it’s another luxury item that you could probably do without. 

They can be cumbersome to carry and can add significant weight to your carry-on luggage.

Smartphone/Travel Organizers

While smartphone/travel organizers may seem like a practical solution for keeping your accessories tidy, they can add unnecessary bulk and weight to your luggage.

Some smartphone organizers may come with built-in chargers and/or other high-tech features to keep your belongings organized and secure.

But before adding organizers to your packing list, take a moment to assess their necessity. If your backpack already features ample compartments or if you’re traveling with minimal tech gear, you might opt to leave them out of your luggage without feeling any significant impact – despite the marketing hype surrounding these cool organizers!

Principles for Packing Smartphone and Tech Accessories

How do you choose what to pack compared to what to leave out for travel? Let’s delve into the guiding principles that can help you pack smarter and travel lighter:

  • Optimize Space and Weight: 

Entirely eliminate or substitute bulkier accessories like power banks, Bluetooth speakers, and phone mounts or stands with more compact ones.

  • Maximize Functionality:

Choose accessories that serve multiple purposes to minimize the number of gadgets you need to carry. That’s why we recommend portable chargers with multiple output ports or noise-canceling headphones. Go for devices with high functionality and high compatibility.

Tools, such as a universal travel adapter and USB data cable, keep your smartphone powered up and always functional.

  • Prioritize Quality:

Even if they come at a slightly higher price sometimes, invest in high-quality accessories that offer reliability and durability.

The aforementioned examples –- the high-capacity power bank and pair of reliable Bluetooth earbuds — enhance travel experience while eliminating complexity and inconvenience.

  • Don’t create unnecessary work: 

Many smartphone accessories require battery power to operate, so you’d need to remember to charge them daily. The more accessories you bring, the more work you’d do to charge, organize, or even safeguard them.

You could end up not maximizing all your tech. Thus, it’s fine to leave out some gadgets from your packing list in the first place. Packing lighter gives you less work.

If you want more tips and hacks when it comes to traveling efficiently with your phone, check out our comprehensive guide on how to travel internationally with a phone to ensure a streamlined and productive travel experience that you won’t regret. Otherwise, browse our tips on how to pack strategically for travel, business, or remote work.


Discover tips for portable professionals and location-independent living, whether you’re on the move or settled in one place. From optimizing your workspace and travel gear to exploring Southeast Asian cities, Unboundist helps you stay mobile and productive. Read this blog for insights on travel, functioning abroad, and enhancing your work-travel lifestyle with productivity and tech tips.

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