Making the Most of a Short 2-3 Hour Plane Ride

For travelers, time spent in transit can be valuable, even if it is just a few hours. Although the temptation to while away the time with entertainment may be strong, many prefer to utilize these shorter flights productively.

Failing to maximize a short plane ride might mean arriving under-prepared at your destination. For instance, after you touch down, you may dislike wasting precious time planning or reviewing your itinerary and logistics. If you feel overwhelmed upon arrival, you may have failed to use flight time for stress relief or basic organizational tasks.

On the other hand, if you are more ambitious, you may have experienced the frustrations of trying to be productive during a flight. Shorter flights present unique challenges compared to longer ones. Hence, it’s wise to choose your tasks wisely for shorter flights, especially since you may not have access to WiFi and may experience frequent interruptions.

In general, on a short 2-3 hour flight, travelers can make the most of it by learning from pre-downloaded podcasts or eBooks, watching pre-downloaded shows, relaxing with meditation or music, organizing tasks, and reviewing travel plans for a productive journey.

Why Make Good Use of Shorter Flight Time?

On longer flights, travelers can afford to adopt a more leisurely approach. They can take advantage of amenities like in-flight entertainment and dining options, and have extended periods of rest. When it comes to productivity, the extended timeframe could lend itself to focused activities that involve sustained attention or deep immersion.

Unlike longer flights, shorter journeys present a different opportunity. If you prefer to be productive, shorter flights prompt a greater sense of urgency to utilize every available minute effectively. But you may find it harder to work on projects or tasks — the limited duration and potential interruptions from cabin crew announcements could render it tougher to stay focused.

However, despite the challenges, you can still strategically maximize time on shorter flights. 

5 Practical Tips for a Short Flight

Let’s delve into ideas for making the most out of a short flight. Even if it’s just two hours, if you wish, you can accomplish a lot in the air – even without WiFi.


Short flights provide an opportunity for learning in bite-sized increments. While not sufficient for deep dives into complex topics, short flights are ideal for gaining new insights or expanding general knowledge. 

You can consume podcast episodes, read articles, or listen to audiobooks on subjects of interest. 

This would take some preparation before flying. Download your preferred podcasts, audiobooks, or eBooks for offline consumption while you fly. Have these materials stored locally on your smartphone before you board your flight, and ensure you take your wired/Bluetooth earpieces onto the plane if you’ll be listening to audio.

On a related note, I’ve comprehensively detailed the types of apps you should always download before a flight. Get this done so you can reliably have non-stressful flights and maximize your travel experience.

Consuming Movies

To optimize your time on a plane, you should consider pre-downloading movies that fit within the duration of the flight.

Since you have no WiFi during a flight, you should do this before departure to fully capitalize on your onboard movie-watching time.

Stress-Relief and Relaxation

Traveling can be stressful. It doesn’t help if the time during a flight is mismanaged. 

Engage in activities that will be calming in the air. This includes listening to music, watching comedies, or practicing mindfulness that promotes relaxation and mental rejuvenation. Likewise, ensure you download your preferred podcasts or mindfulness apps for offline access during your flight.

You may also want to have a pair of noise-cancelling headphones, not just for consuming audio, but also to block out unwanted loud sounds from the aircraft’s engine or crying children that may add to anxiety levels.

Having a calm journey comes from being wholly prepared for multiple aspects of your flight. This begins all the way from choosing the right seat and packing strategically for a flight to tackling flight-induced problems like ear pain and potential dehydration. Equip yourself with the right tools and tips to create for yourself a more comfortable and tranquil flying experience.

Performing “Standard” Work

Short flights offer an excellent opportunity to tackle routine tasks that often get sidelined during busier periods. Take the opportunity to organize emails, declutter digital files, or draft to-do lists, or outline plans.

By prioritizing tasks that can be completed within a couple of hours or less, this can set a productive tone for your trip or return home. Simple wins contribute to a sense of accomplishment and efficiency. 

Planning or Reviewing Itinerary

Utilizing flight time to review travel plans can streamline the journey and enhance the overall experience. 

You can review travel plans, double-check reservations, confirm transportation options and arrangements, or research activities at your destination. 

By being proactive in preparation, you ensure a smoother transition upon arrival.

This article was originally published on If it is now published on any other site, it was done without permission from the copyright owner.

Tasks Difficult for Shorter Flights

Selecting tasks to tackle on a plane might seem like a trivial matter, but it’s wise to favour certain tasks while avoiding others that are more challenging. 

Within the limited timeframe, tackling more challenging tasks may be counterproductive. You may feel less inclined to get settled into a work routine — they increase temptation to simply while your time away. Besides, frequent interruptions such as announcements, beverage services, and landing preparations can disrupt workflow and concentration.

So, what are these tasks that you should arguably avoid? 

  • Any tasks with a high setup time (that eat into the duration available for actual work)
  • Tasks that require at least 1-2 hours of uninterrupted focus, such as writing lengthy reports/articles or learning something complex
  • Tasks that involve more physical space (e.g. dual screens for best performance, design work)
  • Endeavours that require specialized equipment (e.g. photography and crafting/painting)

Short flights typically last between 1 to 3 hours, so it’s wise to set expectations accordingly and not be over ambitious! In other words, do not expect to get substantial work done. Also, do not leave important last-minute work for a short flight.

In essence, while shorter flights may present logistical challenges for productivity, they also offer an opportunity to tackle other tasks for easy wins and a stress-free trip.

If you like, check out this pre-flight checklist that details every single must-do item before you fly. Whether you are traveling to unfamiliar destinations or simply want to be fully optimized for your next international trip, we have got you covered.


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